Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Beginning and Expectations

Okay, so this is the first post on Gaming Amalgamation!  A blog, I hope, will be used to detail my experiences as I run tabletop games (Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, Vampire The Masquerade, etc.).  There are many games being played out there today and I thought to myself, why not start a blog!  I have recently met up with a group of friends and began a new game, so why not document it as I go on?  This sounds like a fun idea, and who knows, maybe I'll learn something along the way.  But first, who am I?

Lets start at the beginning, like when I got my start.  I have been role playing  ever since a friend of mine introduced me to a group of players back in 2005.  I started out as a fifth level Human Fighter.  Though I had a cold start to DND, not knowing any of the rules or even really understanding what DnD was, I was led through the character creation process by the Dungeon Master using eTools (a character creator for 3.5 DnD).  In the first session I was hooked, I slayed a monster whose name I can't even remember, and taking advantage of my characters Great Cleave feat, I dug my great sword into the next one!  The next day, I went out, found the local game shop (the Griffon), and bought myself a copy of the Players Handbook, Monster Manual and Dungeon Masters Guide.  Ever since I've read read nearly sixty different role playing books (majority of them Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 and Vampire the Masquerade).  I have taken part in many games, having groups upwards of twenty people and even managed to play in multiple countries in English and Spanish.

In 2006 I started being DM, though I had some smaller games that I'd DM'd before, and I felt as though I knew the rules well enough to run a game myself, it was the first time I committed myself to doing it for more than one session.  I ran four games that year, all of them using the Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 rules.  My friends enjoyed the games so much we sometimes played from five pm until about 4 am.  As a matter of fact, I remember once, we had a game that was so long that the player whose house that we were playing in had us leave since he had work in the morning and the rest of us ended up looking for restaurants that were open 24 hours just so we could keep playing.  We ended up playing at McDonalds, Burger King, Steak n' Shake, and finally, at a Denny's.  The game finally ended around Noon the next day.  It was an awesome experience and the more I DM'd the more people I met.  It was social, fun, and exciting.  

Later that year I was invited to run a game for my brother, it was at that game that I met my wife.  Who knew Dungeons and Dragons would lead me to the person who I would be destined to marry and spend the rest of my life with!  Ever since then, I have hardly played any games without her by my side, as a Dungeon Master or as a Player.  Maybe I'll get her to write a post or two about playing games on here at some point.  Anyways, it was my wife who motivated me to move into other game systems, like VtM, Mutants and Masterminds, and  BESM.  I DM about two or three games a year, except in 2011-2012, when I had a house fire.  Now, I live in a new town, I'm finally settling down, and reconnecting with old players.  And I'm about to take on another game.  Who knows, this may be my most epic adventure yet.  Thanks for reading and hope to keep you interested as I write more and more of these posts! 

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